On April 27th, 2020: US Military Admits UFO's ARE Real
This was the front page of the news cycle for all of one day. For decades upon decades people who have dedicated their lives to the disclosure movement and bringing truth to power, had the "I told you so," moment.
Amid the 24 Hour News Coverage of PANICdemic, the sleepy consciousness of average Americans overlooked the biggest reveal ever in the history of the United States, "UFO's Are Real, US Military Confirms in Press Briefing at the US Pentagon."
Like a kid on Christmas, I wanted to grab anyone who would come within 6 feet of me and pop open a bottle of champagne and pass around the DYI tin foil hat crafting kit to celebrate.
Since social distancing is a thing now, I couldn't do that, but figured that there would be many online parties to attend for this breaking admission by the top brass in the US Intelligence sectors as well as the US Military.
I watched Linda Moulton Howe (Award-Winning Author and Investigative Journalist) host a live stream and the only thing anyone was wanting to discuss was COVID 19. As she held her beautifully fat and derpy Himalayan Cats named "Fluffy and Chocolate," I watched her giant glamorous grin fade out as she realized that everyone just kind of brushed that under the rug.
Being absolutely analytical about everything, I began to dive head first down the psychological rabbit hole of HOW it could be possible that NOBODY was talking about the long awaited OFFICIAL disclosure of UFO's and the presence of Extra Terrestrials in our airspace.
Truly, I boiled it down to 3 things that could have caused this unbelievable silence on such a massive move toward truth and vindication of so many who have been screaming for decades about what they know regarding the ET cover-up...
#1. Everyone already believes, and just gave up on ever hearing "yes you are right," from the government.
#2. There's such mistrust of government that everyone views anything that comes out with the "Boy that cried wolf," filter on.
#3 People are a lot dumber than I thought and really do like the comfort and security of being controlled by their overlords who are telling them they are all going to die or kill their neighbor if their small business opens, or if they go to a trail in the middle of nowhere to exercise and didn't bring a mask... or the hundreds of other illogical restrictions that are put in place that make them feel like fucking first responders or heroes.... when really they like being victims. Who cares about confirmation that we aren't alone in the universe when you are told everything will kill you!
I don't know, but I do know that I reached a level of apathy that I didn't know I was capable of feeling upon realizing how people would rather focus on the fear they have over a "pandemic" than shifting focus for just a moment and asking themselves, "wait a minute... so... wait... You mean to tell me that all those crazy friends I have that have been telling me about UFO cover-ups were right this whole time? What else are they right about?"
Fact is- Those of us who unplugged from the matrix a long time ago, did so because of one event that didn't seem to add up to what we either experienced first hand or deduced based on evidential research.
For some unplugged people that event was 9/11, others it was seeing Bigfoot on a camping trip, or having paranormal experiences their entire life ranging from UFO's to apparitions... And for the old timers it was the assassination of JFK or Roswell. Some people unplugged from the matrix because of NDE (Near Death Experience) or an encounter with a Guardian Angel that saved their life...
Some people are even unplugging in the most basic way due to the lies from Corporate Media or Big Pharma..
One thing becomes a cognitive dissonance catalyst and the next thing you know, you have decided to "dig through Grammy's scary spider webbed trunk in the basement." Oh the things you will find in there! So many secrets you wish you never knew but are grateful you found out even if it means you like Grammy a little less.
The ancient and often repeated knowledge of, "the truth will set you free," is the most true statement ever written down. Being free is not related to the "ignorance is bliss," thing either. When you are FREE, you have unplugged from the framework that by design has limited your vision of what is, what could be, and what might be.
However you "got there" with regard to unplugging from the illusionary framework matters very little. Fact is- You're there. Now what are you going to do about it?
Well... A lot of people have gone against tremendous forces of suppression and unfair ridicule to bring YOU the truth. If you dare to venture out on the plank of being a truth teller, you will definitely need to harness yourself to the outstretched narrow board that is perched over shark infested waters.
You can go back to the ship and get beaten to death and put on kitchen duty, or you can live on the plank and hope to God that you don't get pushed off into the ravenous shark pool below.
There are so many people who have set up camp on the "plank" and some that were torn to shreds by the sharks below. William Cooper, who wrote the infamous, "Behold A Pale Horse," was one of those people who was knocked into the shark tank. If he were alive he would be saying, "I warned all of you about every single thing that has happened in the last 20 years and nobody listened?"
Note about Bill Cooper: Bill Cooper held Q Level Clearance. For those who don't know, Q Clearance is FAR above Top Secret and several degrees higher than the office of President of the United States.
Someone of that magnitude coming forward and spilling the veritable beans about the power plays within the global elite secret society run special interest groups and the Military Industrial Complex, sealed his fate upon the first public appearance he gave on mainstream media outlets like CNN.
People were willing to listen to him regarding the JFK insider knowledge he had or the false flag events in Vietnam, but when it came to the knowledge he had on the ET presence... he fell victim to the disinformation agents who were literally tasked to silence him at all costs. *See Richard C. Doty for full testimony on how the Disinformation Agents were utilized. He was one and has since come clean publicly.*
So there I sat on April 27th...Waiting for someone, anyone, to talk about the HUGE NEWS of the US Military and Pentagon admitting that "UFO's ARE REAL," and the only thing I saw on Facebook and Twitter was, "if you want the businesses to reopen you are a murderer!" Or "Orange Man Bad." Or "Trump could have saved us but instead we are dying." Or "Numbers are growing and where are the tests we were promised."
All of the above statements, all of them, are part of the NEW disinformation campaigns that are exclusively designed to keep all of us divided, ignorant, uninformed, confused, and living in a new matrix upside-down mirror world funhouse of fear.
I could rattle off a million facts right now that completely disprove all of the horseshit that the media and certain factions of the government and corporations are pushing, but it wouldn't matter because most of the people choose to believe what frightens them most. To people like me who have unplugged from the matrix, that is the definition of insanity. You keep believing something that is not serving the best interest of your forward conscious growth and expect everyone else to be in lockstep with you or else they are complacent and worse.. complicit.
I've come to realize, much like Bill Cooper did before his untimely "death" or murder, that most people prefer to stay ignorant, prefer to only read or research their own confirmation biases, and tradition and culture seem to dictate how someone will vote, and what church they will attend, who they will marry, and what they will accept as being reality.
So... those of us who have been thought of as "conspiracy theorists" (a term coined by the CIA for the specific purpose of bullying people into silence via public shaming) will have to learn something pretty depressing. That being summed up by a quote that my brother said regarding "working really hard" while he was employed with a touring show (as was I) called "Ringling Bros. & Barnum and Bailey Circus." The quote is this:
"Yeah, well... working hard in the circus is like peeing in your black work pants. Only you get that warm feeling." -Darren Lenz
So all of us that had to crack open the champagne ALONE after finally being vindicated for our hard research into the UFO cover-up, we had to learn that only we have that warm feeling. What most do not realize who are lurking in the shadows and trying to understand people like me who seemingly make outrageous claims that go against everything the media and government has force fed the public with, is this....
We become obsessed in researching and truth seeking because of YOU! We want to share the WARM FEELING with everyone in the world! That is the truth.
Sure it's cool to know that the US Military finally publicly admitted the UFO cover up and the fact that they are indeed REAL, but what does it matter when nobody cares but those of us who didn't need that confirmation in the first place, but felt it was mighty nice to have it after decades of researchers risked their reputation including military officials and pilots losing their credibility and jobs, people literally murdered for speaking truth to power, etc... What does it matter if the very crux of why people risked it all (which is for YOU, THE people) don't seem to care?
So cheers to those who have been okay with having a warm feeling alone, standing outside the Matrix' illusionary framework. I guess we are the best at true #socialdistancing by default.
And for those of us who are losing steam with every stupid ass fear driven comment thrown at them like monkey shit, or getting shamed by the ill informed statistic concern troll who calls you a murderer because you question the media's fear porn power plays... Yeah, well, I understand and I am right there with you. Don't expect anyone to DM you and say, "I'm sorry I didn't believe you, you were right." They won't.
All you can do is make sure that you don't succumb to the apathy. If everyone thinks you are crazy for not buying into the same narrative that is hitting you at every angle, then how much worse can it get? You might as well continue shouting the truth anyway because at least you'll be able to sleep knowing you'll never run out of "sheep" to count.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
What Is A NPC and Why They Ruin Everything
What is a NPC?

In video game world, an NPC is known as a "non-playable character." You know, the "extra" in the cast of role playing games. The scrub wench in the game, "The Witcher," or the old lady walking around in "Grand Theft Auto." That is an NPC.
What is an NPC in real life? They too are the extra non-playable characters in your day to day role playing illusionary existence. They are the "sheeple" who are in lower management, running around saying shit they heard on the news or ordering something that is trending because they want to live that #KardashianLife. They are "all about ______ life" and make sure to post that in social media so that all the other NPC's will click 'Like,' thus their storyline, aka. Life , is retaining purpose for one more stupid mundane day.
NPC people serve one master, that master is: Consumerism. They consume everything from trending foods to fake news. They consume any popular movement that is a trending hashtag for that week and will know nothing about why or what it is that needs "awareness" brought to it. They only know that it appears relevant and cool to be 'in' with the other NPC's who are hashtagging their asses off and wearing a specific color ribbon to broadcast that relevancy.

If they have children, you can bet your bottom dollar they will all decorate their kid's rooms in whatever the latest "hot thing" is on Pinterest. NPC people are the "collective."
Just like the Borg from Star Trek fame, the NPC of your life will try to assimilate you. When you won't assimilate, more NPC people will find out and then they all get "triggered" at once. This makes your life a living hell because you will have to eat your lunch alone in your car with the windows rolled up in order to feel safe from the NPC people's judgement.

In the game Grand Theft Auto as an example, you might think it was funny to smash an NPC over the head with a baseball bat. What harm is there?`You and your friends get a big laugh and continue with whatever mission you have on TeamSpeak and when you roll out of the compound you created in your fake GTA world, there is a SWAT team of NPCs standing there with guns blazing and a helicopter overhead firing at you.

NPC people in real life are the same way, but you never hit them over the head with a baseball bat.
The only thing you did was exist independently and have original thoughts.

NPC people work for "the boss." Who is the boss? Well, there are middle management NPC's who are the reason you consider quitting your job every day, but they all work for "the boss."
The Boss is the agendas of all things terrible. Every divisive ideal, every new term overlaid onto any new way to be offended, manufactured outrage, and lastly... power over all NPC's so that the NPC can destroy the "Player."
Who is the PLAYER? If you've read this far without filling out one of those "this content offended me" things on Facebook or Twitter, you are a PLAYER. You are an active, independent, original thinker with one true quest in your life... To be happy, have the right to think how you want to even if it goes against the pushed narrative...to make a difference, and to offer something of value to other people, and earn a living using the talent you have.
That's all you really want if you are a PlAYER. You want to direct your own path, choose for yourself, learn from your mistakes without having to apologize to 28 NPC's who have been given authority in the illusionary experience of your everyday life!
The PLAYER is the arch-nemesis of The Boss. That's why there's always a "boss fight" before you win any video game. You have to make sure you have all your shit in order before you fight The Boss because if you don't, you'll have to restart the quest over again and then usually you'll end up saying, "this game sucks, f*** this."
If there are no PLAYERS, there is no game. If there's no game, then there is no reason for brilliant artists and graphic designers, coders, and electrical geniuses to be employed. If they aren't employed, using their brilliance to enhance the experience of life, then they cease to be PLAYERS in the real game of life... and might end up as a dreaded NPC.
Too much?
Did you know the NPC memes were banned on Twitter? Who banned them? NPCs.

NPC's of REAL life, are triggered by pretty much anything that isn't their collective coding sequence. If you ask a question that you legitimately want a real answer to, but it causes a cascade of coding failure in the NPC person's logical pathway, they behave irrationally and then revert to "the programmed response" and label you something like.... racist, fascist, nazi, white, rapist, suppressed person (scientology loves that one), or my favorite: Bad. Just "you are a bad person."

The next pic is a classic NPC reaction....

If you aren't laughing at these, then you might be a NPC. Get help if you are, because you are terminally doomed to a life of unhappiness and stomach cancer.
NPC people in REAL life, come in all shapes, sizes, and colors... but they are gray on the inside. They have no real spectrum of emotion other than to assimilate emotions into a set of systematic responses that they have NEVER taken the time to fully understand in any real in depth way.

You might think that NPC's are only Millennials but they are in every age group, all social groups, and the bottom line is... They are the reason we no longer build shit like The Great Pyramid in Egypt or why most of Academia refuses to acknowledge the geological re-dating of the Sphinx by Dr. Robert Schoch, or why despite thousands upon thousands of documented proofs about everything ranging from JFK, UFOs, cures for cancer dating back 100 years in the past....the NPC's will always yell, "Conspiracy Theory!"
The more mundane aspects of NPC people in real life are why everyday existence is like traversing a minefield. Every NPC is waiting to be triggered. They've set traps for everyone in their path. The traps are not for busting you, they are for assimilating you.

How do you know if you are surrounded by NPCs?
Well... you are. Aside from my obvious smartassery, I'll give you a real example of a typical NPC conversation. (this may or may not have happened to me)... it happened.

NPC Person: I made up some rules that I never explained to you
and now you are in trouble for not following them.


NPC Person: You are really negative and angry! More trouble for you!
Follow rules! My rules! NO ask questions! No defend
self! Must comply to arbitrary rule! Must not question!
This is my life every single day as I live as a PLAYER and not a NPC.

The Middle Management NPC's are the real ones to watch out for. They are dangerous because they've had the NPC running code index for the longest amount of time. They are incapable of not running the exe.run//NPC mode.
They control all of the drone NPC's who think they will one day be Manager NPC, but they won't because their coding has built in self-destruct virus sequences like:








NPC people won't read this blog. Also, NPC's never know they are NPCs until the PLAYER logs off.
Sometimes you have to log off in order to find a new quest.
For all the PLAYERS out there who are stuck inside of NPC hellscape, you CAN log off. You can.
You don't have to assimilate. Sure, it's harder to play the game, but if you like a good challenge and are set on "Expert mode," you are guaranteed to have a victory at the end of your metaphorical game.
That victory is....
You get to rest at night knowing you are not a NPC, running a code that is by its very nature, designed to fail.

In video game world, an NPC is known as a "non-playable character." You know, the "extra" in the cast of role playing games. The scrub wench in the game, "The Witcher," or the old lady walking around in "Grand Theft Auto." That is an NPC.
What is an NPC in real life? They too are the extra non-playable characters in your day to day role playing illusionary existence. They are the "sheeple" who are in lower management, running around saying shit they heard on the news or ordering something that is trending because they want to live that #KardashianLife. They are "all about ______ life" and make sure to post that in social media so that all the other NPC's will click 'Like,' thus their storyline, aka. Life , is retaining purpose for one more stupid mundane day.
NPC people serve one master, that master is: Consumerism. They consume everything from trending foods to fake news. They consume any popular movement that is a trending hashtag for that week and will know nothing about why or what it is that needs "awareness" brought to it. They only know that it appears relevant and cool to be 'in' with the other NPC's who are hashtagging their asses off and wearing a specific color ribbon to broadcast that relevancy.

If they have children, you can bet your bottom dollar they will all decorate their kid's rooms in whatever the latest "hot thing" is on Pinterest. NPC people are the "collective."
Just like the Borg from Star Trek fame, the NPC of your life will try to assimilate you. When you won't assimilate, more NPC people will find out and then they all get "triggered" at once. This makes your life a living hell because you will have to eat your lunch alone in your car with the windows rolled up in order to feel safe from the NPC people's judgement.

In the game Grand Theft Auto as an example, you might think it was funny to smash an NPC over the head with a baseball bat. What harm is there?`You and your friends get a big laugh and continue with whatever mission you have on TeamSpeak and when you roll out of the compound you created in your fake GTA world, there is a SWAT team of NPCs standing there with guns blazing and a helicopter overhead firing at you.

NPC people in real life are the same way, but you never hit them over the head with a baseball bat.
The only thing you did was exist independently and have original thoughts.

NPC people work for "the boss." Who is the boss? Well, there are middle management NPC's who are the reason you consider quitting your job every day, but they all work for "the boss."
The Boss is the agendas of all things terrible. Every divisive ideal, every new term overlaid onto any new way to be offended, manufactured outrage, and lastly... power over all NPC's so that the NPC can destroy the "Player."
Who is the PLAYER? If you've read this far without filling out one of those "this content offended me" things on Facebook or Twitter, you are a PLAYER. You are an active, independent, original thinker with one true quest in your life... To be happy, have the right to think how you want to even if it goes against the pushed narrative...to make a difference, and to offer something of value to other people, and earn a living using the talent you have.
That's all you really want if you are a PlAYER. You want to direct your own path, choose for yourself, learn from your mistakes without having to apologize to 28 NPC's who have been given authority in the illusionary experience of your everyday life!
The PLAYER is the arch-nemesis of The Boss. That's why there's always a "boss fight" before you win any video game. You have to make sure you have all your shit in order before you fight The Boss because if you don't, you'll have to restart the quest over again and then usually you'll end up saying, "this game sucks, f*** this."
If there are no PLAYERS, there is no game. If there's no game, then there is no reason for brilliant artists and graphic designers, coders, and electrical geniuses to be employed. If they aren't employed, using their brilliance to enhance the experience of life, then they cease to be PLAYERS in the real game of life... and might end up as a dreaded NPC.
Too much?
Did you know the NPC memes were banned on Twitter? Who banned them? NPCs.

NPC's of REAL life, are triggered by pretty much anything that isn't their collective coding sequence. If you ask a question that you legitimately want a real answer to, but it causes a cascade of coding failure in the NPC person's logical pathway, they behave irrationally and then revert to "the programmed response" and label you something like.... racist, fascist, nazi, white, rapist, suppressed person (scientology loves that one), or my favorite: Bad. Just "you are a bad person."

The next pic is a classic NPC reaction....

If you aren't laughing at these, then you might be a NPC. Get help if you are, because you are terminally doomed to a life of unhappiness and stomach cancer.
NPC people in REAL life, come in all shapes, sizes, and colors... but they are gray on the inside. They have no real spectrum of emotion other than to assimilate emotions into a set of systematic responses that they have NEVER taken the time to fully understand in any real in depth way.

You might think that NPC's are only Millennials but they are in every age group, all social groups, and the bottom line is... They are the reason we no longer build shit like The Great Pyramid in Egypt or why most of Academia refuses to acknowledge the geological re-dating of the Sphinx by Dr. Robert Schoch, or why despite thousands upon thousands of documented proofs about everything ranging from JFK, UFOs, cures for cancer dating back 100 years in the past....the NPC's will always yell, "Conspiracy Theory!"
The more mundane aspects of NPC people in real life are why everyday existence is like traversing a minefield. Every NPC is waiting to be triggered. They've set traps for everyone in their path. The traps are not for busting you, they are for assimilating you.

How do you know if you are surrounded by NPCs?
Well... you are. Aside from my obvious smartassery, I'll give you a real example of a typical NPC conversation. (this may or may not have happened to me)... it happened.

NPC Person: I made up some rules that I never explained to you
and now you are in trouble for not following them.


NPC Person: You are really negative and angry! More trouble for you!
Follow rules! My rules! NO ask questions! No defend
self! Must comply to arbitrary rule! Must not question!
This is my life every single day as I live as a PLAYER and not a NPC.

The Middle Management NPC's are the real ones to watch out for. They are dangerous because they've had the NPC running code index for the longest amount of time. They are incapable of not running the exe.run//NPC mode.
They control all of the drone NPC's who think they will one day be Manager NPC, but they won't because their coding has built in self-destruct virus sequences like:








NPC people won't read this blog. Also, NPC's never know they are NPCs until the PLAYER logs off.
Sometimes you have to log off in order to find a new quest.
For all the PLAYERS out there who are stuck inside of NPC hellscape, you CAN log off. You can.
You don't have to assimilate. Sure, it's harder to play the game, but if you like a good challenge and are set on "Expert mode," you are guaranteed to have a victory at the end of your metaphorical game.
That victory is....
You get to rest at night knowing you are not a NPC, running a code that is by its very nature, designed to fail.

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