Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tammy Titi Monkey & The Stolen Opper Tuneti Treats- A True Story of Selfishness (real and funny and real funny)

*The characters in this story may be based on actual people. The point of the story remains valid in spite of the ridiculousness. Enjoy* 

Tammy Titi is a monkey at the local zoo, a Titi Monkey.

Being a special type of monkey, Tammy Titi relied heavily on her cunning and shrewd monkey brain to trick all the other animals in the zoo.

Tammy Titi had to share a habitat with several animals. There was Blitzy the Ox, Jeff the Lemur, Maxine the Gorilla, Roger the Parrot, Trevor the Snake, Donny the Donkey, and Castor the Snow Leopard.

Tammy Titi was smaller than most of the animals she had to share her space with. And over the years, she had figured out how to hoard the most food from Zookeeper Opper Tuneti.

Opper Tuneti was a fair and just zookeeper. He always brought plenty of food for all of the animals to enjoy. He made sure that the food was nutritious, delicious, and satisfying.  Each individual animal at the zoo had their own special meals and treats.

 Blitzy the Ox liked hay, Jeff the Lemur preferred watermelon, and even Trevor the Snake got his belly full on snake kibbles n' bits!

Ol' Tammy Titi didn't like all the attention that Opper Tuneti gave all the animals in the zoo. She decided she'd find a way to steal their food after Opper Tuneti filled their respective bowls.

Tammy Titi thought, "How dare they think Opper Tuneti gave them anything!  I'm the most cunning, quick, and intelligent animal here! I'll use my monkey brain and my monkey body to swoop down and gather up the food that Opper Tuneti placed out for them. I know,  I'll do it a little bit at a time so they won't notice it's me that is taking their rations! "(evil monkey laugh)

Day by day the animals were hungrier and hungrier.

Donny Donkey brayed, "I'm hungry, I'm hungry, there's never enough to eat! I'm hungry, I'm hungry, there's never enough to eat! Opper Tuneti, come back! I'm hungry, I'm hungry!"

Roger the Parrot squawked, "Shut up Donny Donkey! Shut up! Shut up! Opper Tuneti just gave you your food and I saw you eat it!  You're fine! I'm the hungry one!"

Tammy Titi watched them all complain. They became drained with each passing week.

Tammy Titi's tree was packed full of goodies. She had Blitzy's hay, Jeff's watermelon, Donny's sugar cubes, and Castor Leopard's steak. She had it all placed in hide-away holes in Tammy Titi's tree.  Tammy Titi couldn't eat half of the food she had stored away.  Why some of the food isn't even suitable for a Titi monkey!

Opper Tuneti came by each day. With each visit, He began to wonder why all of the animals were complaining so much? Opper Tuneti reckoned that He wasn't giving them enough food. Yet, confused  He thought that in His perfect system that they should be thriving by now?

 He scratched his head and sighed, "I'll make more of my special Opper Tuneti's gourmet treats next time. That should make everyone very happy indeed."

Opper Tuneti slaved away making the perfect treats for each animal. (including ol' Tammy Titi Monkey)

 He was so excited to give them their afternoon snack, he forgot to make their lunch that day. Tuckered out,  he fell asleep and took a long, long, snoooooozzzzzzzzzz... (snore, snore, snore)

Tammy Titi Monkey was primed and ready to do what she always did- swoop down and take the other animals food.

She didn't hear Opper Tuneti calling her name this time. "Where is he! Where is he, " she shrieked. (like monkey's often do) "It's half past 2 and I'm hungrier than you!" She yelled loudly to the other animals below.

Castor the Leopard had suspicions about Tammy Titi. Leopard's after all, are the smartest and the cleverest cats in the world. They can hide in plain sight and observe their prey for days before striking. Leopard's  know  how to climb trees by the way! Often, they take their prey into the tall, tall, tree tops to feast in solitude.

 Tammy Titi didn't know this about Castor Leopard... and that's the way Castor liked it.  (leopard wink)

Maxine, the Gorilla, had her suspicions too. She knew Opper Tuneti much longer than any of the other animals. Opper Tuneti was her friend, a long time friend. He had given her many treats over the years, and never had she gone without.  Maxine, like most Gorillas, had patience and wisdom.

Gorillas are known as Great Apes for a reason.  She would console the hungry animals and say, "Don't worry!  Opper Tuneti will come, you'll see! Just have patience. He's never failed me, and I know He won't fail you."

Tammy Titi was becoming restless and impatient, a typical monkey trait. She started throwing her poop at the other animals from strategic locations.

 She would give out a shrill shriek, "Donny Donkey! Listen! Blitzy Ox threw something at you! You should kick him with your strong hind legs!"

Then, Tammy Titi Monkey would swing to another branch and yell out, "Roger Parrot, You'll never guess who's been taking the food! It was Jeff the Lemur the whole time! Can you believe it? I saw him do so with my beady monkey eyes!"

Fights would break out among the animals. The noise coming from the zoo started to scared away all of the people who were there to visit them. Complaints were filed among the zoo patrons saying, "The animals were out of control, unruly, and looked unhealthy and miserable too!"

Tammy Titi loved her little manipulation game!

 It kept her monkey brain busy as a bee to set traps, snares, and stir up strife among her fellow animal neighbors.

Tammy thought, "if I can't steal their food, I'll steal their happiness, crush their confidence, and make them think they are going crazy! Maybe they will be put to sleep forever by the mean Zoo Vet, Dr. Rooin. Dr. Rooin would never catch me anyway, so I have nothing to worry about! After all, I'm the smartest, quickest, and most cunning animal at the zoo. "

Trevor Snake was Tammy Titi's only friend. He understood what it was like to be cunning, clever, and quick! Trevor believed in survival of the fittest. Still,  he had to crawl on his belly as his only means of transportation... which is lame.

Back to the story... (throat clearing sound)

Where did Castor the Leopard go in this story?

Do you remember that leopards are the stealthiest of all the zoo creatures? I know I do.

Castor Leopard was perched at the top of the tallest tree, nestled in the thickest of branches, watching everything. Castor Leopard knew everything that Tammy Titi had been doing.

Castor Leopard knew that Opper Tuneti would eventually come back to give them their food. "This time," said Castor, "Tammy Titi won't get away with it!"  

Zookeeper Opper Tuneti woke up from His long snooze with an alarming thought, "Oh no! What have I done? The animals depend on Me and I have let them down! I've offered them so much over the years and they've begun to lose faith in Me. Now, I have slept through feeding time and I must give them more than I ever have before, including the delicious treats I made earlier! I will make them happier than I ever have before!"

He gathered a whole barrel full of treats and food, perfect for each of the animals, and began his long walk to the habitat feeding area.

Tammy Titi Monkey was taking a nap. After her prolonged poop throwing, shrieking insults, and false claims,  she was pretty tuckered out. It's rare for a Titi Monkey to take a nap. But she had really outdone herself, feeling proud of herself for hoarding all the food that Opper Tuneti had given the animals over the last several weeks.

Tammy Titi slept on the food, most of which was rotted by now.

What a terrible little monkey to have starved all the other animals from Opper Tuneti's special treats! Shame, shame, shame on you Tammy Titi!

Castor Leopard took this opportunity to talk to the other animals. Castor leapt from branch to branch, landing with the grace of a gazelle as to not scare the other animals, some of whom could be skittish if they were frightened.

"Jeff Lemur, Roger Parrot, Maxine Gorilla, Donny Donkey, Blitzy Ox, and Trevor... Trevor? Where's Trevor Snake?" Maxine Gorilla mumbled under her breath, "snaking around on his belly somewhere I'm sure..."  Castor forcefully spoke, "My friends, you are all hungry. I know that. You are all tired, I know that too. Please, do not blame Opper Tuneti for this. He is not to blame. He has given us plenty. He gives us what we need. He will be as steady as the rising sun. "

Roger the Parrot squawked, "Opper Tuneti doesn't come for a Parrot like me anymore. I'm an old parrot. It's too late for me to eat Opper Tuneti's treats because I have lost all hope. It is best if He never comes back. Perhaps then I can fly away. If he does come back and I have gone, there will be more food for everyone else."

Castor said, "Don't be retarded Roger. None of us eat f-ing bird seed. Stupid. Just listen to me! I know something that you guys don't know. I've been watching from a higher vantage point this entire time."

Jeff the Lemur squeaked out a sigh and said, "I'm a lesser primate. Opper Tuneti knows that. That's why I'm going to die of starvation." Donny Donkey brayed loudly, "I'm fine. I'm fine. I found some rocks to eat. I'm fine. I can make my own Opper Tuneti treats myself out of these rocks!"

Castor Leopard was getting frustrated and said, "Donny, ugh... You can't eat rocks and pretend they are anything like Opper Tuneti's treats! You'll get a sour stomach! Besides, how can you bray so with a sour stomach? ...Jeff Parrot, just stop. You are everyone's favorite so just stop whining. You are far more of an adorable primate than Tammy Titi."

All the animals gasped at the blunt statement of Castor Leopard. Shocked by this sudden distaste for Tammy Titi Monkey, they began to defend her.  "Tammy  has our best interest at heart. She's smarter and more clever than any of us. She looks out from the tree tops to make sure we know when Opper Tuneti comes."

Maxine Gorilla slowly raised up and said, "My friends, I am the oldest of you and I have seen Opper Tuneti come and go, many times. I think our friend Castor Leopard may have something important to say, and we should listen to the leopard for once."

Castor Leopard, composed, said, "I am a leopard. I can hide in plain sight. I can bring the largest of you up to the tops of the trees to eat you if I wanted to and I haven't. I've been hungry enough to eat all of you and I haven't. I waited. I hid in plain sight. I watched. I know where Opper Tuneti's treats have gone. Some have been eaten, but only the ones belonging to Tammy Titi Monkey. The fights  with each other were not caused by hunger. They were constructed by Tammy Titi Monkey! She was  throwing her poop at you from her perch! She intends to make certain that none of you eat of Opper Tuneti's bounty! What's worse is she wants you to  destroy one another or  even more horrible of a thought...She wants you all to be put down by Doctor Rooin! If you don't believe me, just wait until Opper Tuneti comes back. I have a plan that will fix this for good so that everyone, including Tammy Titi Monkey, will get what they deserve."

The animals were confused and in denial about what Castor had claimed. Some of them were so heartbroken they sobbed.  They could only focus on their hunger and how hopeless they were becoming.

 Tammy Titi Monkey was still resting peacefully in the trees with her snake friend Trevor in tow. Their bellies were full, as they peacefully slept, content with their terrible acts. They knew that Opper Tuneti would come back soon with a bountiful spread that they could take once more.

Castor Leopard quietly climbed up to their resting place in the tree. Castor tied all of the hoarded food given by Opper Tuneti to a trip wire system attached to Tammy Titi's tail. If successful, the line will drop all of the week's of rotted stolen treats to the ground.   When Tammy Titi comes down to take Opper Tuneti's treats from the rest of the group, the stolen plunder will come along with her. Even ol' Trevor Snake will come tumbling down, if Castor plays the cards right.

Whistling was heard coming through the pathway, "Hey there my sweet babies! I love you so much and I'm so sorry I missed  your feeding time today. I have an extra special surprise for you all!"

The animals saw Opper Tuneti coming with a barrel and a bag of special treats and delicious foods.

They were squawking, braying, mooing and squeaking with excitement!  "Today is the best day. Opper Tuneti brought us more than we can imagine! This is the best day ever." Their mouth's slobbery with drool, they were so happy to be readying themselves for a feast they will never forget.

Opper Tuneti empties the barrels and bags of scrumptious treats into their food bowls and troughs. He is singing and whistling, taking great joy in feeding his animals their favorite and most perfect things...

Trevor Snake woke up and nudged Tammy TiTi saying, "sssssTammy, the other's are feasting and we are sleeping? Look at Opper Tuneti'ssss smiles and laughter, glee and charm. He must love them more than usssssssssss..... "  Tammy Titi Monkey shrieked, "Opper Tuneti is mine! Mine and mine alone! I'm the smartest, quickest and most intelligent of these low level mammals! Pah! They cannot possibly deserve ANY of Opper Tuneti's treats or attention! It's MINE!!!!! MINE!!!! MINE!"

Tammy Titi Monkey leapt. And with a single long winding bound, down and down, she crashed. CRASH! Plop, Plop, Plop, CRASH! Pounds of hay, watermelon, bird seed, bananas, sugar cubes, steak, leeks and lettuce came tumbling down with her.  CRASH! PLOP! BOOM! BANG!

The animals all looked on in horror! They were gasping, braying, squeaking and moaning.  They said, "Tammy Titi? Why would you? Why did you? How could you?"

Tammy Titi Monkey and Trevor Snake were maniacally trying to gather up what remained of their hoarded mess by shoving it into their mouths, their fists, and dropping most of it as they ran or slithered. They were struggling to get back up the tree. Not even the most meager portions of Opper Tuneti's treats, they continued to climb.

All of a sudden with a bounding roar came Castor Leopard, down, down, down the tree to meet Tammy and Trevor face to face, greeting them with a fierce growl. Scared and broken, Tammy and Trevor dropped the remaining stolen items. Shivering with fear they said,  "Please don't hurt us. Please. We didn't know that these treats were for everyone. We thought they were for the most clever of creatures. We didn't know, we didn't know, we didn't know! Here, you can have Opper Tuneti's treats! Take all you want! Please! Just don't eat us!"

Castor rummaged through the pile, never breaking eye contact with the pair. Castor found the steaks within the rubbish of rotted treats and turned back up the tree saying, "I only wanted what was intended for me, Tammy Titi. Titi Monkey's can't eat steak and leopards can't eat bananas. You should be intelligent enough to know this, and yet, you take what isn't yours and what you can't even use. You are a wasteful and greedy little monkey. You lack in your heart compassion for others. Animals who are far bigger than you will ever be. And you, Trevor, you slithering snake! You shed your skin wherever you see fit!  You are just a snake. A lowly slithering snake, taking what the monkey see's fit to give you. Self interested, you don't share either!  Well now we know her dirty little monkey secret! You would rather have everyone put down by Dr. Rooin than to share your Opper Tuneti Treats?"

Opper Tuneti saw all of this and felt sad inside.

After all, he had always given equal parts of his famous Opper Tuneti treats to each of the animals big and small. Opper Tuneti decided that day to make Tammy Titi Monkey her own enclosure that would be far away from the rest of the animals. He would make sure she had her fair share of His treats, but would never again allow her access to any of the other animal's Opper Tuneti Treats.

Opper Tuneti is fair and kind. A good animal knows that He will come each day with something special just for them. A good animal knows that there will always be plenty of Opper Tuneti....treats.

 As far as ol' Tammy Titi is concerned...

I guess she'll have to see what it's like to live off of what Opper Tuneti seems fit to give her each day. That's a big hard lesson for a little ol' Titi Monkey.

Castor Leopard and his friend's still hear the shrieking and hissing each night coming from Tammy and Trevor's cage.

They sit around and eat their Opper Tuneti's Treats together, always giving thanks for the special thought that goes into each treat He gives them. From the Leopard to the Donkey, the Parrot to the Ox, each one is visited by hundreds of zoo patrons who appreciate them for the animals they were born to be. I hear that by next year, they will all have bigger and better habitats thanks to good ol' Opper Tuneti.

So remember kids... don't be a greedy piece of shit like Tammy Titi Monkey or a self-righteous prick like Trevor Snake.

The End.

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