Saturday, November 23, 2013

Attention Seeking Facebook Life Parasites- Beware of the Drain.

Hello world.

Welcome to my head. I have to write this blog because of my distaste for a certain group of people who utilize Facebook for their own "fishing hole," metaphorically speaking.

If you know of a person on your "friends" list that does this more than 5 times per week, I advise you to keep reading this and also to delete this person from your real life as well as your virtual one. They are parasitic in nature. They drain the caffeine from your coffee first thing in the morning. They offer you a gift of guilt to swallow down for the entirety of your day. They sit at their desks or on their smart phones and they make a conscious decision to suck any and all sympathy from anyone who is bored enough to read what they have to say.

This stretches far beyond Facebook for these people. Their entire life is made up of a series of events that are normal but are translated in their brain as being victimizing. The world is dead set on destroying all they "work hard for" and everyone in their life at some point or another is "the enemy." Be very wary of doing any kind of dealing with these people. They are always on the prowl for the fresh meat of upsetting circumstances to fuel their self-righteous self-sabotage.

If you fall prey to one of these parasitic venomous monsters, you will know it after it's too late to do anything about it. You will get sucked into their life through their charismatic pitch, you will defend them against the people they endlessly complain about, and you will be wrought with the feeling that you are missing something intrinsically important to their character. After all, it can't be that bad for them right? I should note an important feature of these people...
They have no sense of humor about their "bad luck."  It's all very serious to them, and if you try and "make them feel better, " they will defend their right to complain as much as you would defend your right to breath air.

There's no winning with them. There's no reasoning with them. There's no "it's going to be okay,"  or "you have to start thinking more positively" or "the problem that I see very clearly is..."  If you try and actually help them, you have given them more fuel to continue on complaining about their life. Why you ask? Because they got attention. It doesn't matter what kind of attention because any attention will do. Negative, positive, indifferent, it's all good enough for their internal "gas tank."

Here's the bottom line... They like to suck.

They love having sucky situations because they have ONE coping mechanism which is endlessly complaining about their life. It wouldn't matter if they received a check in the mail for 50,000 bucks, they would still find some reason to hate the day God gave them. They may briefly give thanks for something, but the second there is anything that isn't according to their want/need for that day, the day itself becomes an enemy... and since the day can't fend for itself, it just exists as a day in time and space, these people have to find some sentient being to blame for their discomfort.

Another fascinating trait of these parasitic attention seeking monsters is that they never, ever, EVER see the bigger picture. They do what they deem as self-preservation at the moment and never think about the implications of such actions to the larger story of their lives. For example... they might decide that they don't want to pay their electric bill because they have made a decision that the electric company is charging too much. The electric company decides to shut off their service due to NON-payment. They feel victimized by the electric company. They post something about how evil corporate America is and how ruthless the electric company is and it's somehow Obama's fault or or or.... Some dumb sucker will see that post and say, "Look, why don't you go with Such & Such Electric company? They have deals going on right now and they won't check your previous credit. It's far cheaper too! Oh and I think they will give you one month free for signing up."
So the parasitic person will do that. They sign up. They get a month free. One month goes by and the bill is real, it's in their hands, and they think it's ridiculously expensive. Instead of realizing that it's high because they have 3 big screen TV's and they wash the same load of clothes over and over again just to avoid folding them, they will blame the friend who told them about that company in the first place.

They will literally start complaining to anyone who will listen about how this 'friend' is pretending to always be so helpful but they 'screwed me over' and got me to dump my old electric company for this new one which is just as expensive... then they might form some conspiracy theory about that friend... ex. "I bet that they are selling shares or something for that company. Nobody is that helpful. I should've known better than to trust someone being nice just for being nice. I bet they got some type of referral money for me signing up... ugh."
They will burn the bridge with their friend or family member or or or... JUST to save face and have the situation look as though it's not their fault.

That may sound insane. It is.

These people/parasites, know their own game plan before they start. They are supreme actors. They have devised how none of this "bad luck" will be their fault. It will always be someone else's fault and there will always be at least one new victim to fall into the trap of sympathizing with them.

Bottom line...
If you know of a person who loves hanging on the cross, has false optimism on public forums in the same breath as complaining about everything and everyone, then you have probably fell victim or will fall victim to their parasitic life sucking ruin.

These people will eventually go insane, broke, and have nobody with any fortitude in their lives by the time they reach old age. They are the living example of "The Boy That Cried Wolf."  One day there will be a wolf and nobody will believe that they truly need help. At this point, it's a social duty to let them fall and fall hard. It's the only way they can be held accountable for the social/financial/emotional structures they've set up to fail in clever ways.

Don't believe their inspirational posts on social media or their quirky ways of telling you they hate their life with the aftertaste of "is that a joke?" Do not trust them. Do not give them anything. Do not tell them you are proud of them for "pulling through the painful situations..." Do not think that you are of any value to their lives.

You are doing them a disservice by falling into their trap of manipulation. Remember, they only want attention in it's rawest form. They want to blame and shame everyone and everything to let themselves off the hook for failing at life.
At some point in their life, this tactic worked. They got "off the hook" for something or bailed out of a situation that would have ordinarily resulted in a much needed life lesson for them. Instead, they keep "skipping the class of accountability."  In other words, the rules are meant for other people, not them.

Why am I writing a blog about this? Well....
Mainly because I have been rolled by people like this, and I've watched a lot of people I care about a great deal get sucked through the wormhole of these attention seeking liars. I damn near lost my mind over trying to NOT fully go Hulk on someone recently who is one of these parasitic people. I had to realize that THE only way to be of service to the BIGGER picture is to realize they aren't in it. It won't matter in the end if you got a wicked word into their heads to "tell them what's what." They won't perceive it that way, they will still win the battle of being the victim.

The best course of action is to hold them accountable to what pertains to you specifically, and forget the rest. Cut these people from your daily feed or they will find a way to feed on you sooner or later. It won't matter how altruistically patient you are with them, their growth isn't about you. It's only when they cry "wolf" and nobody listens that they will evolve.

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